📷: Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS over Parkes Radio Telescope in Parkes, New South Wales, Australia on September 27, 2024.
© Alex Cherney, twanight.org/cherney
Technical details: Canon 6D and 135mm lens.
📎 Parkes Observatory is a radio astronomy observatory, located 20 kilometers (12 mi) north of the town of Parkes, New South Wales, Australia. It hosts Murriyang, the 64 m CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope, also known as "The Dish", along with two smaller radio telescopes. The 64 m dish was one of several radio antennae used to receive live television images of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Its scientific contributions over the decades led the ABC to describe it as "the most successful scientific instrument ever built in Australia" after 50 years of operation.
#twanight ...
COMETRISE: This morning I succeeded with photography of the Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan–ATLAS from the Czech Republic (50 degrees north) again. Comet brightens rapidly and its tail can be captured even against the bright dawn. This shot, taken near Velke Popovice, is a crop from 200mm telephoto lens shot, however with binoculars the comet was majestic too. Cannot wait for next days, this might be something truly big!
VÝCHOD KOMETY: Dnes ráno se mi opět podařilo vyfotografovat kometu C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan–ATLAS z ČR (50 stupňů severně). Kometa rychle zjasňuje a její ohon lze zachytit i za jasného svítání. Tento snímek pořízený u Velkých Popovic je výřezem ze záběru 200mm teleobjektivem, ale i v malém triedru byla kometa majestátní. Nemůžu se dočkat dalších dnů, tohle může být něco opravdu velkého!
#stargazing #canonphotography #twanight #astrophotography #saveournightsky #wildlife_aroundworld #idadarksky #science #astronomy #astrophysics #universe #universetoday #fotoobraz #objevujsnamiprirodu #travel #skyandtelescopemag #comet #tail #comet2024 #comettail #brightcomet #nightsky #tsuchinshan_atlas #bigcomet #comet2023a3 ...